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Jennifer Forbing
Born in United States
23 years
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Hendrick Polanco My Deepest Condolences October 26, 2018

My deepest condolences.  May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time of grief...

John 11:32-45

32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: “Where have YOU laid him?” They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: “See, what affection he used to have for him!” 37 But some of them said: “Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind man able to prevent this one from dying?”

38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it.39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.”40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.”

45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;

Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage

Poem for stone? Don't grieve for me September 10, 2009

Don't grieve for me

for now I'm free

I'm following the path

God laid for me.

I took his hand when

I heard his call

I turned my back and left it all

I could not stay another day,

to laugh, to love, to work or pray

Tasks left undone

must stay that way

I found that peace at

the close of day

If my parting has left a void

then fill it with remembered joy

perhaps my time has

seemed all too brief

don't lenghten it now

with undue grief

Lift up your hearts

and share with me

God wanted me now,

He set me Free.


mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Birthday in Heaven June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday




Just Some Guy A Wooden Cross August 31, 2008
I never knew Jennifer. I've never even seen her or met her. However, every single day, because of my job, I drive by that white wooden cross with her name on it. I see a lot of those crosses on the highway. But when I decided to visit this sight I had no idea what I was in for. Now, Jennifer Forbing means so much more than the name of a stranger on a wooden cross by the roadside. I too have a loved one represented by one of those crosses. Anyway, take care and God bless.

John 11:25
  1. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

A former coworker Memories August 26, 2008
Dear Jeni,
There were times working at Best Buy when knowing you were going to be there was the only reason I would go in. You brightened up the whole place with that beautiful smile of yours and even though I gave you a hard time . . I really did admire your ability to smile regardless of how idiotic the customers were to you. I miss talking with you. I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye. No one close to me has ever died before. . and even though we weren't that close. . there is a hole in my life now that I know I won't see you ever again. It's not fair. You had a beautiful future laid out ahead of you and to have it ripped from you . . . brings me to tears. I really wish this song wasn't playing in the background . . the song playing in my heart is far . . far more grief stricken. I miss you Jennifer Forbing. I miss you a lot. I've been thinking about you a lot. I found out about you a few months ago and I didn't write anything on here because I was scared that I wouldn't be able to put in words how I feel. I still can't. . but I need an outlet for my grief. I miss you Jen.
uncle Brian wonderful day today July 1, 2008
its rained the past 4-5 days now... today, your birthday, its beautiful and sunny.... forecast after today, more rain... thanks for the sunshine, sunshine   
A Friend Thanks for your support... May 11, 2008
Wow... Days are going by faster and faster.  When I see a picture of you or your name printed some where the memories I have of you pop up like it was yesterday.  Every time I feel like I am having a diffacult moment I think of every positive word you have ever told me and helps me through it.  At times I miss you so much that even my soul gets wet with tears.  Other times your bright smile just makes me smile.  I really miss you Jeni!!!  We all do!!!
Aimee 23 January 23, 2008
Another year is in full swing with out you in it...there isn't a moment that you are not thought of.  I still look for you here on earth. Jen, it would be great to have some sort of sign from you. I know you are smiling at that. Grief is so hard to let go of, but I am smiling and laughing more.  The whole in my heart doesn't burn as much anymore. 23 Jen, you weren't meant to be gone at 23...I love you
Aimee My sis September 21, 2007
Yeah, it's been a while.  I have been visiting your my space page and it's nice to see your friends on there!  You are so loved!  I am making a trip to the good old Fort and hopefully it will bring me a bit of closure.  Not so sure though...having a hard time letting go and coming to terms with you not being here. I can't believe it has almost been a year...i bet you have turned Heaven up side down:-) Or at least "livened" things up a bit.  I still wish I could have you back... I love you and please continue to watch over mom, dad and Kristy...
Uncle Brian tidbit August 12, 2007

a testament to all your wonderful family/friends, for making your site so special

of the 2000+ memorial sites, this was one of the most visited  

received this email from the lastmemories staff...


Dear Madam/Sir.

We have made small survey and your website was found as one of twenty most visited websites in our portfolio. It means that you have created website which is really beautiful. As our appreciation of your great job we would like to award you with free activation code. It means that you can use this code for free activation of one website. You can give it to your friend or you can create new website and use it to activate it permanently.

lets just pray i have no need of another site anytime soon

love and miss you every day Jen   <3

I am pretty good at being late with thoughts when it comes to you.  But I guess you can hear all of our thoughts now...  I recently moved and came across some pictures of you.  When looking at them I wish I could have gone back to them just for a minute.  You always take the best pictures!!!  It brought a smile on my face, a slight tear, and memories that I hold tightly to my heart.
Laura Ellis Happy 4th of July July 4, 2007
Happy Fourth of July Jeni. I love and miss you very much. I wish you were here with me to see the fireworks, but I know you have a much better view where you are at now. You and Your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Love Ya!
Laura Happy Birthday July 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Jeni! I miss you so much. Today and yesterday have been hard on me knowing that you are not here on earth celebrating your big 24. I was able to find comfort in remembering your pervious birthdays that we shared together. I keep thing of your 21st birthday when we went to QT before heading down to ALT and I triped and fell in front of everyone and you made fun of me the whole way down to the city. I still can hear that laugh of yours and it brings a huge smile to my face. You are definately not forgotten my friend. Thank you so much for all the times you allowed me to be apart of your birthday I will treasure them always and hold this day special for the rest of my life. I love you so much. May god be with you and your family.

Aimee happy birthday July 1, 2007
Happy Birthday's been a tough day.  The Fox family released balloons, 24 for your specail day.  I hope you got to see them.  I just don't know what to say today, I don't think I can say anything really except I wish you were here. It helps to have this place and your myspace page to visit and write on. It makes me feel a little better.  I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.  Wish you were with us on earth with us...
Uncle Brian Happy BDay July 1, 2007

so here it is, your birthday ....

it's hard to believe the time that has gone by since your passing

it seems like an eternity, and if it were just yesterday, at the same time

one thing that will never change is the emotions. is still very hard to accept, and acknowledge, as im sure it will always be

is very hard to put into words the flood of emotions when thinking of you

we all miss your terribly, and love you so very, very much


Happy Bday and GOD bless you Jennifer


ps. balloon pics in Gallery [top of Gallery page, Albums, then Birthday]


Aimee A niece June 25, 2007

Hey my sis...well it has been hard. I have missed you so much, especially with the birth of Ava Lynne.  I can't wait to tell her why her middle name is Lynne.  She is beautiful and as a new life is brought into our family the emptiness that came with your death is still there. I look at your picture everyday and smile at all the memories I do have of you.  I was just thinking today when we were at Kristy's house and you weree riding AJ's bike...that always makes me smile.  Please continue to watch over mom and dad.  All my love


Aimee Mother's Day May 13, 2007
First Mother's Day without is having a hard time, like any mother would.  She could use a little extra strength.  Keep an eye on us Jen, we love you and miss you dearly...
Aimee Happy Easter April 8, 2007
So I turned 25, yes, I know I can't believe time is moving forward... HAPPY EASTER sis, I love you
A Friend Thanks for watching over us March 28, 2007
As you probably know I sit on my deck and watch the waves a lot...  It's sometimes crazy to think how much has changed over the years.  Your boy is moving down here in a few weeks.  I guess he is staying with me until he finds a place.  I know I will try and be more patient with him.  But we won't have you to stick up for him when I get impatient.  It's wierd how history repeats itself sometimes.  My roommate, your neighbor, my roommate again...  We shared a tear or two over you a few months ago.  Hopefully it will be happier times, this time.  I just wanted to say thanks for the memories, the watchful eye of today and the dreams of the future. U r missed...
Aimee Coninuted.. March 26, 2007

Uncle Brian had a nice visit from you...that is pretty  damn neat.  You are not going to  believe this, but Mom finally got her 4-wheeler.  

I love you and miss you

Your sis

Aimee The pain is still there March 26, 2007

You know I thought I would have learned to control my sadness or my pain a little better by now...but that is not the case.  The sadness of not having you there sneaks up on me too often.  My bell is growing quite big and I continue to think of how you won't be here on earth to greet the next little neice.  Your friends have put up some awesome pictures of you, they look so great.  I forgot that we were in Ft. Wayne long enough for you to cheer.  We still have no name for our little babe, she is the nameless child # 3, poor thing. Julia and Carson are getting so big, please continue to watch over them.


Uncle Brian A Visit March 17, 2007
i had a dream of you this morning, the dream seemed to be focused on you, some joyous occasion, maybe a birthday, you appeared very young too me in this dream, maybe 13-15yrs old. Many people were their, though i dont recall knowing or recognizing anyone in this dream but, you, and your mother.

Anyways, seemed to be lots of people lining up too see you, and i was in the back.
You walked past everyone, stopped by me, looked up, and smiled. It was at this point i woke up.

I know this was no mere dream, as so much a visit from you, letting me know, your in a better place, doing well, and that YOU are still with us.

As brief as this visit may have been, i know you had more stops like this to make.

This has brought such great relief too me, ones faith can be tested.
your passing has surely brought questions to my mind ?
is their more beyond this life ?

Your visit has answered these questions
yes, their is more beyond this life
oh, the wonderous and amazing things you must be seeing

God Bless YOU for letting me know your doing well, and that we are in your thoughts as much as you are in ours.

 Love... Uncle Brian
Oliver I Miss You So Much!! January 25, 2007
Hi Jenn! I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you. I.. WE MISS YOU SO MUCH JENN! MAY GOD BE WITH YOU !!
your loving sis Guess What January 19, 2007
So on Tuesday we found out that we are having a baby girl.  It was a bittersweet moment for me...I called mom, then Kristy and then of course I naturally went to call you.  I look at your picture every morning and sometimes it makes me cry and sometimes it makes me laugh and sometimes I just smile at you.  I talk to you every chance I get and I guess writing to you on here it just plain therapy.  I am saddened by the thought that our new daughter will not get a chance to meet you here on earth.  You were so exctied when I called to tell you I was pregnant with the 3rd babe, even though I know mom had probably already told you :-) And yes, you called it I surrendered to getting a minivan.  You would be proud though, I roll in style with a Nissan Quest!  I love you and I miss you Jen, you are always my diva of a little sister.  Keep preparing our house in heaven. 
Love Aim 
The Miller Girls We Love You December 15, 2006
Nick, Shelia and girls, We miss you guys so much and hope you are finding some way to cope with this difficult time.  We are going out to Jen's grave on Sunday to decorate her tree, and as we're sure you do, we wish you could be there.  We consider ourselves a part of Jen's family and her a part of ours.  We would and will do anything we can for her and for you.  Please let us know if there is anything that we can do for you -- we are only a phone call away (260-744-9865).  Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.  You are in our prayers. 
Laura Holiday Wish December 13, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Forbing, Kristy, and Aimee,

 I just wanted to Wish ya'll Hapy Holidays and let you know that your family is always in my thoughts and prayers. May God and Jeni be with during this tought time of the year for I know that it will not be the same with out Jeni there. May Jeni and God  bring strenght you didnt know you had, laughter your were not expecting, and may you find comfort in each other and in the memories that Jeni has given you.

All my love and prayers


Laura Ellis

Carrie Rowe So Much Time Has Past December 8, 2006

Tonight..... I was thinking of you... I wish you were here this Christmas.... I love you... and I miss you

Aimee (your sis) A thought November 29, 2006

Oh Jen, I miss you so much.  My heart aches to see you again, to hug you again, to talk with you just one last time... There isn't a day that I am not thinking of you and praying for you.  I want you to know that we are all trying to be strong for you, we want you to be proud of our strength, courage and most of all faith in the Lord.  There are no words that could give a grieving family or friends peace, but to see all the friends and family that love you and miss you brings a certain amount of comfort.  You touched so many lives and no one will be the same without you.  Jen, please look down on mom and dad and offer them some comfort, their hearts will never be the same after losing you.  Oh, Jen there is so much I want to say, and it has taken me this long just to get here.  I love you and will always, always be thinking of you my dear.  You have taught all of us a lesson in life's tragedies, the importance of faith in the Lord, and what is means to have priorities with God and family coming first.  We will always be the three little witches, Heta, Beta and Greta.  I love you little sis...

Kennedy Family Hope and Prayers November 21, 2006

We are very blessed to have known Jenny, she was a special girl with a smile that could enlighten a dark room.  We believe there is hope beyond what we see and through this great trial our prayer is that we will one day see her again. 


To the Family, we are truly sorry and as with every tragic event, we have bargained, put ourselves back in time, and wished there was something we could have did, but we realize that God has a plan with each soul.  Our prayer is that the God of all comfort will be with you, strengthen you, and guide you.  May God bless you.

Brian Always fun November 16, 2006
Jen was always fun and helself and will be greatly missed and loved by all who knew her. All I can say is Heaven is a Party now....
Steve Long Condolence November 16, 2006

     I'm sorry I wasn't able to also know Jennifer as an adult. I remember her as a young girl full of energy. I do remember her as a young teenager dancing at my wedding reception with her sisters!! It was always fun to just watch them enjoying themselves whatever they were doing!  .....You are all in my thoughts and prayers....                                    Steve, Susan, Erick & Hannah


Katrina Owen forbing family November 12, 2006
Teresa Olszyk Thoughts and Prayers November 11, 2006

Sheila, Nick and Forbing family,


We are so sad to hear of your loss.  You have an amazing family and strong faith; those things will help you through this very sad time.  Jeni is in a better place and on a mission greater than we can imagine.  Love and miss you,

Teresa, Stan & Hayden


The Plan Of The Master Weaver



Our lives are but fine weavings
That God and we prepare
Each life becomes a fabric planned
And fashioned in His care.

We may not always see just how
The weavings intertwine
But we must trust the Master's hand
And follow His design.

For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side
While we must look from underneath
And trust in Him to guide...

Sometimes a strand of sorrow
Is added to His plan
And though it's difficult for us
We still must understand.

That's it's He who fills the shuttle
It's He who knows what's best
So we must weave in patience
And leave to Him the rest.

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needed
In the Weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.


Gina Warwick Thoughts & Prayers November 9, 2006
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.  I remeber your family very well! God Bless, Gina
Lolita Halfkenny **Precious Butterfly** November 9, 2006

Jenny- You ARE a Beautiful Butterfly... Set free, spread your wings and fly!

Your smile will be truly missed.. But NEVER from my memory!

I will remember how your eyes lit up when you smiled.

I will remember how you had a contagious laugh that when heard no one could resist from joining in!!

I will remember during my sad, dark days, how you would make me look toward the POSITIVE and give me reasons to continue...

Thank you for being YOU! You are indeed a child of GOD!!!!

So until we meet again my friend, I will cherish thoughts of you ALWAYS!!!

To the family: I claim a hedge of protection around you. I ask God in the name of Jesus, to dispatch angels to surround you today and to put them throughout your house and around your cars, souls and bodies.
May you have STRENGTH to endure what it is you need to go through to continue...
In Jesus name I pray, Amen...


Lolita Halfkenny  (Lawrenceville, GA)



Jen i haven't seen you in a minute because iam all the way in africa and i  was so hurt and saddened by what happened, but i know to God we belong and to Him we shall return,you were such a good friend to me and i will miss you so much for that,i am smiling right now as i remember the contagious smile of yours but sad at the same time, my prayers goes out to you and your family in this dificult time and i hope that you may rest in peace till we see eachother again.


love always your friend sammy

Mike Jen, you are missed November 6, 2006

I only knew Jen a short time, however she has such a vibrant soul and I will never forget the girl who would light up the room with her presence.  This is a terrible loss and she will never be forgotten.


God bless,


Jeremy M. a few words November 6, 2006

I only knew Jenn a year but I swear It felt like I knew her my entire life and I really hate to be talking about her in pass tense. She ment so much to me and I will never forget her or all of the adventures we had together. I truly miss her and I hope we can all learn a lesson from this. I'm glad I have plenty of pictures and memoies to remember her by and I'll cherish them forever.

Love Jeremy a.k.a K.I.N.G

Oliver WE LOVE YOU JENN November 5, 2006
To the Forbing family, Our prayers, condolences,and precious memories of Jenn are with you all. We will never forget the way Jenn was an inspiration to us all!!! There's not a day that goes by I don't wish that this was all just a bad dream. I know that we all have to be strong. So I will continue to pray for Jenn, and all of you. WE LOVE YOU JENN!! REST IN PEACE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!
sarah leffers forbing family November 2, 2006

I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts now, and you will always have a place in my heart..


sarah leffers and family











Jim & Jessie Turner To the Forbing Family & Friends November 2, 2006

We send all of our thoughts and prayers to you.

Jim & Jessie Turner

Scott Farrell To Jen's Friends and Family November 2, 2006

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.   I became friends with Jen earlier this year and tho I've only known her such a short time, I can tell you she's truly a beautiful angel, both inside an out.   She truly brought the sunshine with her everywhere she went.  I will never forget the way she made everyone around her happy, and her smile was so contagious.  I will love and remember her always.

God Bless you,


Chris and Mike Howard Thoughts and Prayers November 1, 2006

To the Forbing family

Our thoughts are with you through this very difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss. Jenny was a very beautiful young lady and will be missed.

Caesar JENN November 1, 2006
You are now in a better place babygirl, I know for a fact im going to see you again, im going to keep praying for you family. Im going to miss your beautiful smile. R.I.P. JENN
Sherry & Scott Beatty To the Forbing Family November 1, 2006

Dearest Friends,


Our prayers are with you all.


There is no deeper pain than that of losing a loved one.

Especially one as dear as Jenni.


We pray God with give you peace and everlasting happy memories of

dear Jenni.


Scott and Sherry

Elly Miller Jenn's Poem October 31, 2006

You are my friend.

I hope you know thats true.


I'll be there for you

whenever you need.

To lend a hand

to do a good deed.


So just call on me

when you need a friend.

I will always be there

even to the end.


          much love always,




I love you Jenn and you and your family will always be in my thoughts and prayers.  You were a wonderful friend and such a beautiful person.  I can't wait to see you again someday!    



Elly Miller Cherished Memories October 31, 2006

I have so many wonderful memories with Jenn and her family.  I only wish that I could have been a part of the last few years of her life.  I can't even imagine what you, her family and other friends, are going through.  I was so upset when I couldn't find the letters that Jenn and I had written back and forth to each, when she moved away.  My mom found them today, and I am so grateful that I found the best one.  It is a poem that Jenn wrote me, and I wanted to share it with everyone because I felt like it reflected her love for each one of us.  So here it is.



Janelle Pollard Ft. Wayne didnt forget October 31, 2006

To the Forbing Family,


I send my deepest sympathy to all of you and pray that God is by your side at this most difficult time.  I look back on all of the time I spent with your family and smile.  Your family was always so close and so loving.  Jennifer ahs her wings and she is looking over everyone one of you wanting you to smile because she is in a better place than we are.  May her memories last in your heart.  I am praying for you all. 

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